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Writer's pictureSanghamitta

January 2022 Talks

Jan 4: We started off the New Year by returning to our Theme of the "Gradual Training". We have reached the step of MIndfulness, step 7 in the Noble Eightfold Path. Ajahn Sona has recorded a series on the Satipatthana, the Four Focuses of Mindfulness. Tonight we listened to the first tak in the series. Participants found it very clarifying, especially the Buddha's analogy of the sentry.

Jan 7: We are back to The Gradual Training and our topic for today was Wise Attention. This was a recording of a talk by Sanghamitta given to The Tues night group. For more in depth focus on this topic, please sign up for Tan Nisabho's day long zoom retreat on Wise Attention, Jan 23, 2022. Email Sanghamitta at CTBC to register.

Jan 11: Tonight we listened to part two of Satipatthana, The Four Focuses of Mindfulness by Ajahn Sona.

Jan 14: Today we started on Right Mindfulness as taught by the Buddha in the Satipatthana Sutta: the Four Focuses of Mindfulness. Ajahn Brahmali is giving a detailed workshop on this topic. Today we listened to the first part of the first workshop.

Jan 18: We started the evening with a guided death meditation by Ayya Medhanandi. This was followed by a Dhamma talk on Mindfulness of the Body , Part 3 by Ajahn Sona.

Bonus teaching: An encouraging talk by Ayya Medhanandi of Sati Saraniya Hermitage, ON.

Jan 21: We continued today with Ajahn Brahmali's series on Satipatthana. We listened to the middle section of Part 1.

Bonus teaching: Ayya Canda talks about her time in Burma as a nun and about the situation with the people there. The talk was given in the spring of 2021.

Jan 25: Tonight we listened to Part 4 of Satipatthana by Ajahn Sona.

Jan 28: This morning we completed Part 1 of Satipatthana by Ajahn Brahmali. He pulled together a wonderful overview of Satipatthana.

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