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April 2023 Talks

Updated: May 3, 2023

April 7 - Working with the First Hindrance, Sense Desire Part 1

The Buddha names sense desire as the first hindrance because it is so prevalent in our lives and of all the five hindrances it is the one that we can deludedly experience as pleasant. In the talk Ayya Ahimsa draws from MN 75 where the Busddha uses a graphic simile to challenge this delusion.

April 14 - Working with the First Hindrance, Sense Desire Part 2

The Buddha gives us two powerful similes to help us understand the problematic nature of sense desire. Also in this talk Ayya Ahimsa outlines five antidotes for working with sense desires that arise in meditation.

April 11 - Working with the second hindrance, Ill-Will - Vyāpāda Part 1

Both Ayya Ahimsa and Sanghamitta are on retreat. So today the group got to listen to recordings by Ajahn Sona and Beth Upton:

April 21 - Working with the second hindrance, Ill-Will - Vyāpāda Part 2

Sanghamitta starts with a guided meditation on metta, incorporating a tapping technique based on Chinese medicine. The usefulness of this in working with the hindrances is discussed in an article by Bhikkhu Analyo. She then summarizes the chapter on Ill-Will in Ajahn Thiradhammo's book: Working with the Five Hindrances. She also discusses the "holding technique" and Thich Nhat Hanh's "Peace Treaty".

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